Welcome to Garden Ridge, we're a loving family of Christians who put God first in our lives. We believe God is perfect and powerful, and that He communicates through the Bible – His inspired, finished message for all people. We're committed to serving and worshiping God without deviating from His holy book.

If you are searching for a closer relationship with God we invite you to come and visit with us at the Garden Ridge Church of Christ. Browse our website to learn more about us, our beliefs, and worship times/directions.

News & Announcements

2025 Theme: That You May Believe - Lessons from the Gospel of John

"Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name." - John 20:30-31 NASB

The Gospel of John was written so that we may believe in Jesus as the Son of God, Christ, who gives us life in His name by faith. Throughout 2025, we will have lessons from the Gospel of John seeking to put our faith in Jesus. John's gospel shows us by signs and the "I am" statements of Jesus that He is the Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the world's sins. Join us on Sundays in 2025 to hear lessons from God's word about the one who loved us and gave Himself for our sins.

2024 Monthly Series: Love In Action

Join us for our 2024 Monthly Series: Love In Action (Studies from Romans 12:9-16).

Each month in 2024, we will have a lesson from Romans 12:9-16 on the first Sunday worship assembly. This passage of Romans calls for Christians to adopt an attitude of sincere love for their brethren. As we journey through the study together, our aim is to grow in our love and fellowship as a local church. 

  • Sincere Love: “Let love be without hypocrisy.”
  • Wise Discernment: “Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.” 
  • Brotherly Love: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.”
  • Honor: “Give preference to one another in honor”
  • Zeal: “Not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”
  • Patience: “Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation,  devoted to prayer.”
  • Generosity: “Contributing to the needs of the saints.”
  • Hospitality: “Practicing hospitality.”
  • Love For Enemies:  “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”
  • Sympathy: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” 
  • Unity: “Be of the same mind toward one another.”
  • Humility: “Do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.”

2023 Monthly Series "In the Beginning" studies in Genesis

Join us each 1st Sunday in 2023 for our 

10:30 am Worship to hear a lesson from the book of Genesis.


     In Genesis God recorded the beginning of all things. We find the starting point for life, marriage, sin, and our salvation in this first book of the Bible. As we study key lessons in the book of Genesis we will learn why the world is as it is today, why there is suffering and sin, and how God intended to bless all mankind through one man.

January 1st The Creation

February 5th The First Man

March 5th The First Sin

April 2nd The First Murder

May 7th The Generations of Adam

June 4th The Flood & God’s Covenant

July 2nd The Tower of Babel

August 6th The Call of Abram

September 3rd The Faith of Abram

October 1st The Covenant of Circumcision

November 5th The Judgment of the Wicked

December 3rd The Lord will Provide

Recent Sermons

  1. The Blessing of Forgiveness (Psalm 32)
    Joshua Cleveland
  2. Choose For Yourselves
    Joshua Cleveland
  3. My Father's House of Prayer
    Joshua Cleveland
  4. The First Sign
    Joshua Cleveland
  5. God's Wandering People
    Joshua Cleveland

Upcoming Events

  1. Bible Study
    Wednesday, February 19th, 20257:00pm
  2. Bible Study
    Sunday, February 23rd, 20259:30am
  3. AM Worship
    Sunday, February 23rd, 202510:30am
  4. PM Worship
    Sunday, February 23rd, 20255:00pm
  5. Bible Study
    Wednesday, February 26th, 20257:00pm